A good babysitter carries a very large handbag at all times, and that handbag is filled with assorted items - some necessary, some illegal - that can literally mean the difference between life and death on the job. No matter the season, if you emptied out my colossal purse, there are a few things that you would always find. A roll of duct tape is one of them. Duct tape is the solution to so many of life's problems that I wonder why the nation's therapists don't roll through Long's (Duane Reed, if you're chilly) in the middle of the night buying up the entire stash. As a babysitter, duct tape plays an important roll in everything from fixing a torn pair of pants at the park to acting as a crucial prop in a heated game of Kidnap. So imagine my delight when I strolled through the aisles at Michael's today hunting for Bedazzler refills and came across this:
A hot pink roll of duct tape!!! I came in my pants. Twice. I could hardly believe that two of my favorite things in the world were combined into one amazing super-product, and that it could be mine for only $3.99. Oh, sweet Michael's... if I wasn't already engaged to an imaginary kettle corn chef, I'd marry you.
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